Blazing Adventures

Why Blazing Adventures?


If Safety is important to you – We have an unparalleled excellent 35 year safety record.
If Experience is important to you – We are Aspen’s original family operated adventure company – one of Colorado’s pioneering whitewater outfitters since 1973.
If Reputation is important to you – Ask a local who the leading Outdoor Adventure Company is.
If Value for your Money is important to you – We are the purveyors of more trip selections, more fun, higher quality and more adventure.
If Information is important to you – Our fabulous guides & staff that return year after year are fully trained, certified and well versed in the natural history and local culture of the Aspen area.
If Customer Service is important to you – We were the recipients of the 2007 “Stars of the Summer Season” Guest Service Award from the Aspen Chamber and the Town of Snowmass Village.
If Environment is important to you – We are active stewards of the river community and its environs – supporting the social fabric of our local communities. Ask about our new campaign to “Bag the Plastic”.